Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy - BHRT
Naperville’s Leading Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Clinic Dr. Schultz is highly experienced in hormone replacement therapy, and it is deeply rewarding to her when hormonal balance is achieved, and patients thrive. Hormonal deficiencies and imbalances contribute to all sorts of health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, fatigue, and many more. Dr. Schultz educates and informs her patients about the positive effects of true BHRT – Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Women's Health
Women of all ages can have their health needs assessed here at Medicine With a Heart. Dr. Schulz has been focusing on women’s health and alternative medicine, including hormone therapy, since 1998!
Men's Health
Medicine With a Heart focuses on men’s health and offers experienced, highly knowledgeable guidance. We pride ourselves on educating our patients to better understand their bodies and how their systems work.
Thyroid / Adrenal Wellness
The thyroid and adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system which consists of 10 different glands in total. The endocrine system affects your mood, energy levels, reproduction, growth and development, and your response to stress.
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